Get With A Las Vegas Short Sale Realtor About The HAFA Program

Are you having trouble paying your mortgage, want to get out of your home or are already in the midst of foreclosure? Then perhaps the best move you can make right now would be to contact a short sale realtor in the Las Vegas area. There are many programs out there currently to help distressed homeowners that short sale there home.

One of these short sale programs is known as the HAFA program. The HAFA program is becoming very popular amount short sellers because it offers a few different thing that not all programs do. First of all, if you participate in the HAFA program, you will have your deficiency fully waived. In most Las Vegas short sale realtor’s opinions, this is better than receiving money at closing. Sure, a little bit of extra cash is nice, especially when you are starting over, however, getting your deficiency fully waived means that in the future, the current financial struggles that you are having won’t come back to haunt you. Basically, it gives you peace of mind that your lender won’t ever come after you for the unpaid debt on your home. The second advantage to the HAFA program is that you will receive $3000 at closing.

The HAFA program has to great benefits to offer: full deficiency waivers and cash at closing. Not all short sale programs are going to offer both of these things. If you would like more information about the HAFA program, would like to know if you qualify or would like help in applying, please contact a Las Vegas area short sale realtor today. They are the experts when it comes to short sales and short sale programs, so before picking up the phone and just calling any random real estate agent, ensure that the one you are working with is truly a short sale realtor.

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